Tianyuan Cai

I am an ML engineering manager at Adobe Firefly. I lead a team of seven to develop evaluation system and post-training solutions for Adobe's GenAI models. I take a human-forward approach to evaluation while complementing human perception with LLMs and computer vision models. Previously, I was a researcher at Adobe Research, where I build intelligent crowdsourcing and interface personalization systems to understand and enhance human perception on images and text documents.

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COR Themes for Readability from Iterative Feedback
Tianyuan Cai, Aleena Gertrudes Niklaus, Michael Kraley, Bernard Kerr, Zoya Bylinskii.
CHI 2024Honorble Mention
Digital Reading Rulers: Evaluating Inclusively Designed Rulers for Readers With Dyslexia and Without
Aleena Gertrudes Niklaus, Tianyuan Cai, Zoya Bylinskii, Shaun Wallace.
CHI 2023
Web Table Formatting Affects Readability on Mobile Devices
Christopher Tensmeyer, Zoya Bylinskii, Tianyuan Cai, Dave Miller, Ani Nenkova, Aleena Niklaus, Shaun Wallace.
WWW 2023
Diverse Reading Themes for Readability
Tianyuan Cai, Aleena Niklaus, Michael Kraley, Bernard Kerr, Zoya Bylinskii.
Journal of Vision 2023
Preferred Reading Formats for Mobile Devices: Results from Readability Studies
Tianyuan Cai, Aleena Gertrudes Niklaus, Bernard Kerr, Michael Kraley, Zoya Bylinskii.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2023
Debiased Label Aggregation for Subjective Crowdsourcing Tasks
Shaun Wallace*, Tianyuan Cai*, Brendan Le, Luis A Leiva*.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2022
Personalized Font Recommendations: Combining ML and Typographic Guidelines to Optimize Readability
Tianyuan Cai, Shaun Wallace, Tina Rezvanian, Jonathan Dobres, Bernard Kerr, Samuel Berlow, Jeff Huang, Ben D Sawyer, Zoya Bylinskii.
DIS 2022
Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Sofie Beier, Sam Berlow, Esat Boucaud, Zoya Bylinskii, Tianyuan Cai, Jenae Cohn, Kathy Crowley, Stephanie L Day, Tilman Dingler, Jonathan Dobres, and others.
Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction 2022

* equal contribution